Monday, June 13, 2011

Dont skip music theory, It can help you to become a singer at the pro level

Want to become a singer?  Music Theory/Sight-Singing was one of my most dreaded classes in college but it helped me to become a singer in the music industry.  Even though I'd been singing since I was 5,  I'd never formally been taught theory until college.  First of all, who can think about chord progressions and key signatures at 8am?  Secondly, it was theory has an awful reputation!  But here is why you should stick with it:

1.  Information you innately know
2.  Brings in more work as a pro singer
3.  Proves you are a good musician and not JUST a great singer or performer

1.  Information you innately know
There are progressions and intervals I'd been singing my whole life and just didn't know what to call them.  I understood key signatures and what keys felt best for me but just didn't know how to recognize them on paper.  If you've been singing for a while, you probably have a great understanding of music in your ear.  Theory just helps you to recognize it on paper.  It does take work, I won't lie, but trust your inner musician.

2.  I absolutely would not have had the opportunities I've had if I didn't know how to sight-read, which is the most dreaded part of theory for most singers.  Because I worked hard on learning to sight-read, and still put it in to daily practice, I've been a working professional singer since I was fresh out of college.  AND I've had the opportunity to sing in film, and tv for the past several years.  

3.  I can't tell you how many times I've been with a group of musicians and had the opportunity to read something down and they were surprised.  In their mind, singers aren't musicians. (I am speaking generally here.  Not all musicians are this way, of course, but I've had run-ins with enough for it to make a difference.)  Not only does it enhance your performance, to understand the inner workings of the music, but it can broaden your passion by expanding your love of listening to and writing different styles.

Click here  for a GREAT site to help improve your sight-singing and lead you to become a professional singer.

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